Why Jennifer Aniston's Comments About Tabloids Need To Be Celebrated

How refreshing is it to see such a high profile celebrity like Jennifer Aniston speaking out about the issues female celebrities regularly face? Her opinion piece for the Huffington Post was truly inspiring and her comments about the constant body shaming women face on a daily basis need to be celebrated and applauded.

How refreshing is it to see such a high profile celebrity like Jennifer Aniston speaking out about the issues female celebrities regularly face?

Her opinion piece for the Huffington Post was truly inspiring and her comments about the constant body shaming women face on a daily basis need to be celebrated and applauded.

The issues she spoke about are the stuff that affects women everywhere famous or not. And Jennifer is shining a huge light on the issue by using her huge platform to raise awareness of the nastiness of some tabloids, which is absolutely fantastic.

It is about time that the media outlets start hiring positive journalists who look to inspire the next generation rather than hateful bullies who use journalism as an excuse to try and tear down women everywhere.

These newspapers and magazines need to realise that celebrities are just regular people who are doing a job. Just because they live their lives in the public eye that shouldn’t mean that they become free game to be attacked over what they look like, what they wear or who they date.

They also need to stop attacking women saying that they look “depressed” or “sad” just because they are not married or don’t have children. A woman’s happiness is not dependent on whether they have children or are married.

These tabloids need to sit up and take notice and start realising that people are fed up with being spoon fed a load of lies and instead the focus should be on the careers of celebrities [male or female] not their private lives.

Who they may or not be dating is really none of our business, they are just living their life, it is not a soap opera to be played out for our entertainment.

It is great to see high profile celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston speaking out about these problems as it shows the world that they are human beings with feelings just like everyone else. They are not objects for us to objectify.

Hopefully now that famous people are standing together and speaking out against gossip outlets that look for the negative in every article the tide will start to turn and we will see a more positive wave of journalism.

Women everywhere should be building each other up not looking to tear one another down. Remember we are stronger together.

What do you think about Jennifer Aniston’s blog post? Let us know your thoughts over on Twitter @CelebMix.  

