What does the "omE" emote mean? Understanding the origins of xQc's viral Twitch emoticon

For the uninitiated, the Twitch chat, with its hundreds of emotes, can be a truly intimidating place. With a wide selection of these tiny images and icons readily available on the Amazon-owned platform, an individual can easily express any emotion they are feeling as well as engage with streamers and other viewers in a unique

For the uninitiated, the Twitch chat, with its hundreds of emotes, can be a truly intimidating place. With a wide selection of these tiny images and icons readily available on the Amazon-owned platform, an individual can easily express any emotion they are feeling as well as engage with streamers and other viewers in a unique way.

For Felix "xQc," these emojis are a central pillar of his streaming experience and are often images of his facial expressions, conveying a range of emotions from excitement and laughter to frustration and rage. This new shorthand means of effortless virtual communication have helped foster a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood among the juicers.

xQc's rendition of the omE emote features a screenshot of the Twitch star laughing

For the longest time, xQcL, xqcM, and xQcSmash were the most popular emoticons on xQc's channel and gained popularity within the Twitch community. However, there seems to be a new viral emote on the horizon. Recently, omE has threatened to overtake LUL and its variants as the perfect means to express laughter.

The original omE emoticon was created by an individual with the username Saint_Marcos in 2018. It features a cropped version of the popular OMEGALUL, LUL, and LULW emotes. These originally are used to denote laughter and can be considered to be equivalent to ROFL in meaning and usage.

xQc's rendition of the omE emote features a screenshot of the Twitch star laughing during one of his streams. Despite being a picture of the streamer laughing, many viewers have argued that the image is 'cursed' or it appears to be something out of a "scary a*s" horror movie.

The chat feature on Twitch is arguably the most utilized and popular tool among viewers on the purple platform. It goes beyond its primary function to facilitate communication between streamers and viewers, playing a vital role in fostering a sense of community within a specific channel.

xQc has grown to become arguably the biggest streamer on Twitch. This is in part due to the platform empowering streamers to provide an immersive and interactive video experience for their audience.

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