Strict Mistress? The world's secret sexual preferences revealed by Google

Google trends is a very public big data tool. Essentially, it will show you how many searches for particular topics have gone on world wide but you can also break it down by country or region. Its got some incredibly interesting uses for example, Google Flu trends, which uses people searching for terms

Google trends is a very public big data tool. Essentially, it will show you how many searches for particular topics have gone on world wide – but you can also break it down by country or region.

It’s got some incredibly interesting uses – for example, Google Flu trends, which uses people searching for terms like “do I have the flu” or “flu symptoms” as a reliable predictor of the number of people who actually have flu.

There are also all kinds of other uses for it. For example, recently, the Pew research centre ran a worldwide survey of attitudes to homosexuality - unsurprisingly, outside of Europe, a huge number of countries are deeply intolerant of homosexuality. Pakistan is one of the most intolerant – with 98% of people saying homosexuality is unacceptable. Kenya isn’t far behind, with 92% of people surveyed opposed. Both countries have harsh anti-homosexuality laws on the books, and boast politicians who will happily say being gay is inherently un-Islamic or un-African.

But what happens when you have a look at the most common places in the world for common gay porn search terms, as the liberal political magazine Mother Jones did? It turns out that these two hotbeds of intolerance have the world’s highest numbers of people looking for gay porn online. As Mother Jones puts it: “As of this writing, Pakistan is by volume the world leader for Google searches of the terms “shemale sex,”; “teen anal sex,” and “man ------- man” according to Google Trends." Pakistan also ranks third in the world (after Kenya and South Africa, Nigeria is fourth) for volume of searches for the search term “gay sex pics.” There’s clearly a large underground gay community in both countries – despite the public face of homosexuality being completely opposed.

Of course, it could be argued that this is a chicken and egg phenomenon – without Google, would men who outwardly condemn homosexuality be privately living such online lives? I’d argue that the desire and urges always existed – it’s just that access to google lets people indulge them, whether pornographically on their own, or by using social media to meet like minded individuals in the flesh. It’s perhaps telling that in this excellent BBC piece on secret gay life in Pakistan, one of the men interviewed says “One of the first things I did online, maybe 12 years ago, was type in G – A – Y and hit search. Back then I found a group and made contact with 12 people in this city.”

We can see a similar phenomenon in Britain with the growth of our own fetish scene. If you talk to any veteran kinkster in the UK, they’ll tell you how the Internet has completely transformed the number of people involved. It does live up to stereotypes too – for example, Britain is by far the world capital of the search term “strict mistress”.

I suppose it’s in the eye of the beholder whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Take the “Strict Mistress” thing, for example. Before the dawn of the Internet, people who experienced this urge would probably bury their desires deep down, maybe try to slake their needs with hard-to-obtain and dubious mail-order catalogues, or with sex phone lines.

Now, they are only one click from a webpage that will explain – and, crucially, normalise – those desires. There’s usually an FAQ page, with “Am I crazy?” near the top. The answer, by the way, is always “No”, and it’s always society that’s in the wrong, whether the website is about ladies with an eye for discipline or Ukip membership (if only Google Trends could produce Venn diagrams).

The Internet also allows browsers to delve deeper, find online communities and forums, and reinforce their beliefs among a group of people who, for the first time, won’t challenge them or call them mad. They learn the jargon the community uses, and find out how to go about fulfilling their needs.

Sooner or later, whatever your bent, you can insulate yourself among like-minded people, until you think you’re the normal one, and the rest of us are the intolerant. Personally, I think that’s fine – each to their own, I say – but I can see how it might make a conservative imam furious (in public, at least).

It’s not just about sex, of course. The same holds true for political trends, conspiracy theories or radical activism. Here’s the link for google trends – with a couple of kinky search terms entered. Have a play around, see if you can find anything else counter-intuitive and tell us in the comments.

My own feeling is it seems Google is a fascinating window into closed cultures – while people will happily lie to survey takers, politicians and pollsters, they don’t lie when typing things into search engines, looking for their own gratification. It’s a good guide to what people really want and need, rather than what they or their governments pretend or claim.

