Prince Harry Is Going To War With The British Media

Prince Harry has already called out the British tabloids for their ruthless treatment of his wife, Meghan Markle, and now the royal is taking some UK media outlets to court. Buckingham Palace has confirmed that the Duke of Sussex filed claims against News UK (owner of The Sun) and MGN (former owner of The Mirror)

Prince Harry has already called out the British tabloids for their “ruthless” treatment of his wife, Meghan Markle, and now the royal is taking some UK media outlets to court. Buckingham Palace has confirmed that the Duke of Sussex filed claims against News UK (owner of The Sun) and MGN (former owner of The Mirror) in the High Court over their alleged voicemail hacking.

Earlier this week, on the final day of his African tour, Prince Harry made an emotional statement about the constant “bullying” of Markle by the British tabloid press after taking legal action against the Mail on Sunday.

“Unfortunately, my wife has become one of the latest victims of a British tabloid press that wages campaigns against individuals with no thought to the consequences — a ruthless campaign that has escalated over the past year, throughout her pregnancy and while raising our newborn son,” Harry said.

The Duke added that he and his wife have “put on a brave face” while they are out in public, but he can’t begin to describe the pain they have endured.

According to People Magazine, a legal spokesperson from Schillings – who represents the Duchess of Sussex – said that they initiated their legal proceedings against the Mail on Sunday and Associated Newspapers, the parent company, over “intrusive and unlawful publication” of a private letter written by Markle.

The spokesperson said that publishing the letter is part of a campaign from the media group to publish false and deliberately derogatory stories about Harry and Meghan. The royal couple decided to issue proceedings to “redress this breach of privacy, infringement of copyright, and the aforementioned media agenda” because Associated Newspapers refused to resolve the issue in a satisfactory way.

In his statement, Harry said that he couldn’t stand back and do nothing because that would be contrary to everything he and Markle believe in, and because he has been a “silent witness to her private suffering” for too long.


Prince Harry also said he and Meghan Markle will always seek to challenge injustice and to speak for people who feel unheard. He explained that they are fortunate to be in a position that gives them both amazing opportunities, and they will do everything they can to help build a better world.

