PHOTOS: Hot Hump Day Pics of Former WWE Diva Maria

Ace wrestling photographer Bob Mulrenin has posted a brand new series of hot "Hump Day" photos featuring Former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis, in which the former Wrestlemania Playboy Cover Girl is seen in the skimpiest outfit she has worn ever!

Ace wrestling photographer Bob Mulrenin has posted a brand new series of hot "Hump Day" photos featuring Former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis, in which the former Wrestlemania Playboy Cover Girl is seen in the skimpiest outfit she has worn … ever!

"Maria was in a playful mood," Mulrenin told us, "and I knew that meant to simply turn the camera in her direction, and let her do her thing!"

You can see the entire gallery of hot photos of Maria by clicking on the appropriate links below!

