Lauren Graham on the trials of showbiz: Ive been on a diet for 35 years

Lauren Graham covers the May issue of More magazine, and its hard to believe that this woman is 46 years old. She looks fantastic! Lauren is promoting Parenthood I think which is the only thing that her IMDb profile reveals that shes been working on besides a Christmas-type movie. Speaking of that holiday,

Lauren Graham

Lauren Graham covers the May issue of More magazine, and it’s hard to believe that this woman is 46 years old. She looks fantastic! Lauren is promoting “Parenthood” — I think — which is the only thing that her IMDb profile reveals that she’s been working on besides a Christmas-type movie. Speaking of that holiday, I know that a lot of you harbor a lot of affection for her role in “Gilmore Girls,” but I enjoyed her quite a bit in Bad Santa even though that was a much naughtier turn.

Lauren does mention in this interview that she was just finished writing her first novel at the behest of one Diane Keaton, so that’s something to look forward to. Also, Lauren discusses how the past few decades as an actress have taken a toll on her eating habits. That is, she says she’s been on a neverending diet for 35 years. I hope that’s an exaggeration because that would mean she’s been dieting since about age 11. Luckily, her rack has not been affected by such drastic measures as you can see from the below sample picture from the photoshoot. Here are some excerpts:

Lauren Graham

She never lets herself eat like crazy: “I’ve been on a diet for 35 years.”

On getting older: “I’ve spent a lot of time wondering, ‘What’s going to happen? I try not to allow myself to do that much anymore. I think I’ve gotten more comfortable with the unknown.”

She gets frustrated with career slowdowns: “Acting is the most bizarre profession. You can stay in it for years and not really be in it and be waiting for someone to give you an opportunity. It’s like when I watch ‘American Idol’ and see people who have been told to believe in themselves at all costs: It’s not always a good idea.”

She’s also a writer: The actress recently penned her first novel, Someday, Someday, Maybe. Graham was inspired to pursue her passion for words by Diane Keaton, who played her meddlesome mother in 2007’s Because I Said So. “If she had told me to consider a career in banking, I would have done that. I wanted to write about the tiny, tiny progress and the complete unknown of wanting to follow any impossible dream.”


Hmm. I think Lauren might actually be joking about the 35-year diet because she’s never appeared overly skinny, right? Maybe she just watches what she eats and calls it a diet. She doesn’t have the strung-out look of a Goop who completely obsesses over food and punishes herself with daily two-hour workouts after taking a bite of fried chicken. Lauren does look quite lovely as always here, doesn’t she?

Lauren Graham

Photos courtesy of More magazine

