Jimmy Buffett Fish Porn Lyrics know the real meaning of Jimmy Buffett's Fish Porn Song Lyrics

Fish porn, fish porn on his brain From down in Marathon up to the coast of Maine Gil's got a weird incurable disorder He can't go a day without gettin' on the water Fish porn, fish porn That's the diagnosis

Jimmy Buffett Fish Porn Lyrics: Explore the vibrant world of Jimmy Buffett's song lyrics, delving into aquatic themes and storytelling without judgment.

Jimmy Buffett Fish Porn Lyrics

Fish porn, fish porn on his brain
From down in Marathon up to the coast of Maine
Gil's got a weird incurable disorder
He can't go a day without gettin' on the water

Fish porn, fish porn
That's the diagnosis

His childhood dream was to be a great magician
Disappear into thin air and become an apparition
He lives by the shore, but he comes from the sea
Goddess of the deep Lady Aphrodite

Don't let him swim with the fishes
Like Luca Brasi

Now Coral loves her Gil, always greets him with her kisses
But he's gone so much, she's understandably suspicious
Before too long, she's a woman on a mission
She wants to know, is he really gone fishin'?

Fish porn, fish porn
Early psychosis

Spoonin' for a snapper, wanna hook a wahoo
Watch out for the bull sharks circlin' you
Keep an eye out for the blue fins hangin' with the whale
And watch out for the men tellin' big fish tales

Fish porn, fish porn

Coral had to be sure, so she tracked him to his hideaway spot
With a cooler full of Landsharks, she slipped into something real hot
She breathed a sigh of relief, there were no cameras or chicks
No teeny bikinis, no real problems to fix
Splish splash, mad dash
Gil's girl's gonna save the day

Coral climbed on board, Gil was pantin' like an Irish Setter
As she proceeded with her master plan
To make 'em both feel better
Things got exciting, and the fish started biting, and poles were bendin'
Everybody loves a happy ending

Fish porn, fish porn
It was a happy ending

Fish porn, fish porn
It was the remedy

Fish porn, fish porn
Everybody's going out to to sea
Catch somethin' for me

Fish porn, fish porn
It was a happy ending
Fish porn, fish porn
Fish porn, fish porn
Fish porn, fish porn

Jimmy Buffett Fish Porn Lyrics Meaning

The lyrics tell a playful story about Gil's obsession with fishing, humorously referred to as "fish porn." Gil's passion for fishing causes concern for his partner, Coral, who suspects he may be up to more than just fishing. The song describes Coral's suspicions and her humorous attempt to catch Gil in the act, only to find out that his fishing escapades were innocent. The lyrics playfully emphasize the love between Gil and Coral, with a lighthearted tone and a happy ending where misunderstandings are resolved. The term "fish porn" is used as a metaphor for Gil's intense dedication to fishing, leading to amusing and mischievous situations.

Jimmy Buffett Fish Porn Lyrics Details


Jimmy Buffett

Release Date



Equal Strain On All Parts

Available on

YouTube Music

Jimmy Buffett Fish Porn Lyrics Facts

The song "Fish Porn" by Jimmy Buffett tells the story of Gil, a man obsessed with fishing. His partner, Coral, grows suspicious of his constant fishing trips. To find the truth, she follows him to his secret spot but discovers it's just a place for peaceful fishing, bringing them closer. The song humorously narrates their adventure and the happy ending as they bond over their shared love for fishing.

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Jimmy Buffett Fish Porn Lyrics - FAQ's

1. Who is Jimmy Buffett?

Jimmy Buffett is an American singer-songwriter, musician, author, and businessman known for his music style known as "trop rock" or "Gulf and Western"

2. When and where was Jimmy Buffett born?

Jimmy Buffett was born on December 25, 1946, in Pascagoula, Mississippi, USA.

3. What is "trop rock" or "Gulf and Western" music?

"Trop rock" or "Gulf and Western" is a musical genre associated with Jimmy Buffett that blends elements of country, folk, rock, and Caribbean influences. It's known for its relaxed and tropical vibe.

4. What are some of Jimmy Buffett's popular songs?

Some of Jimmy Buffett's well-known songs include "Margaritaville," "Come Monday," "Cheeseburger in Paradise," and "Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes."

5. What is Jimmy Buffett's influence on his fans, and what are his fans called?

Jimmy Buffett has a dedicated fan base known as "Parrotheads." His music often celebrates a carefree, beach-inspired lifestyle, and his concerts are known for their festive and relaxed atmosphere.

