How to open the locked gate in The Chasm Ad-Hoc Main Tunnel

Since Genshin Impact is an open-world action RPG, it isnt surprising that the game has a myriad of locations to discover. Many of the locales are uncovered naturally, just by playing the game, while others are reserved for only the most dedicated players to find.

Since Genshin Impact is an open-world action RPG, it isn’t surprising that the game has a myriad of locations to discover. Many of the locales are uncovered naturally, just by playing the game, while others are reserved for only the most dedicated players to find.

One area every player is likely to run through is the Chasm’s Underground Mines. The Chasm takes up a huge chunk of the map, so it’s no surprise that players are drawn to it. More importantly, venturing into the Underground Mines might reveal a gate in the Northwestern Ad-Hoc Main Tunnel. Unfortunately, upon reaching it for the first time, players will quickly realize that it is locked.

Unlocking it means gaining access to more of the Underground Mines and additional content. Here’s how to gain access to the locked gate in the Ad-Hoc Main Tunnel of the Chasm in Genshin Impact.

Where the locked gate is in the Chasm and how to unlock it in Genshin Impact

Before finding and unlocking the gate, players will first need to find the Miner’s Key. Here's a step-by-step guide to finding the Miner’s Key:

  • Step 1: Use the map to teleport to The Serpent’s Cave located in The Chasm. This will place you closest to the Miner’s Key.
  • Step 2: Starting from the waypoint, head northwest, using the path that leads to the Ad-Hoc Main Tunnel.
  • Step 3: About halfway between The Serpent Cave waypoint and the Ad-Hoc Main Tunnel, there is a pile of rubble. Focus on it, and you should see a glowing object.
  • Step 4: Go up to the rubble and interact with it. In doing so, you will loot the Miner’s Key.
  • Step 5: Now go to the Ad-Hoc Main Tunnel. If you blow up the nearby barrels that are resting along the rock wall, it creates a shortcut to the Ad-Hoc Main Tunnel.
  • Step 6: At the northwestern point of the Ad-Hoc Main Tunnel, you will see an iron gate. Use the Miner’s Key to unlock it.

Before heading in, Genshin Impact players should keep in mind that the Black Serpent Knight named Skeld is waiting for them on the other side. Defeating the enemy will allow players to claim the Precious Chest inside. More importantly, players will earn an Orb of the Blue Depths, which is one of nine that can be obtained.

Upon further investigation, Genchin Impact players will also find another iron gate that thankfully isn't locked. Inside, players will be able to find more chests, along with a Seelie that they can obtain a Lumenspar from.

If players find all nine Orbs of the Blue Depths in Genshin Impact and open the Locked Gate in the Nameless Ruins, they’ll earn another Precious Chest, in addition to a Luxurious and Exquisite Chest.

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