How to earn Crystals in Deadpines: Zombie Survival Fortnite map

The latest update for Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 has been released. It features a variety of new quests and items for players to enjoy as the season draws to a close. Additionally, the Most Wanted event has been removed from the game, while themed items such as Heisted Exotic weapons and keycards have been

The latest update for Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 has been released. It features a variety of new quests and items for players to enjoy as the season draws to a close. Additionally, the Most Wanted event has been removed from the game, while themed items such as Heisted Exotic weapons and keycards have been vaulted.

A new set of Geralt of Rivia and Oathbound questlines has been released, offering free rewards and XP to players. These quests help them progress their Battle Pass and unlock bonus rewards.

A special questline called Find it in Fortnite has also been added to Creative matches instead of the core Battle Royale gameplay. Completing these quests can provide lucrative rewards to loopers.

Players can win various rewards, including an emoticon, spray, and the exclusive Check the Map emote (winner of Fortnite Emote Royale 2022) by completing tasks in various creative games.

One such quest requires loopers to play Deadpines: Zombie Survival and earn crystals.

Fortnite Quest guide: Steps to earn crystals in Deadpines: Zombie Survival

Surviving the zombie apocalypse in Deadpines: Zombie Survival can be quite a challenging task. Players must battle the waves of the undead with limited weaponry and resources. As they gain points, they can upgrade their arsenal to become more powerful and better equipped to take on zombies. However, earning crystals requires a certain amount of grind in the game.

To complete this quest faster, you can follow the steps listed below.

1) Open the Quests tab to check the number of crystals you need to collect

Quests Tab in Fortnite. (Image via YouTube/Comrad3s)

Head to the Quests tab and locate the Find it in Fortnite questline. Scroll down until you come across the Deadpines: Zombie Survival challenge, which requires you to earn 10 crystals. Once completed, it will reward you with 20,000 XP.

To access the game island, click on the View Experience button, which will bring up a window within the game.

2) Enter the map code and load onto the game's island

Deadpines: Zombie Survival game screen. (Image via YouTube/Comrad3s)

Once you hit the View Experience button, a Deadpines: Zombie Survival map window will appear on your Fortnite screen.

You can also enter 0598-1708-7538 in the Island Code tab to load the map onto your playlist. Once you're ready, press Play and spawn into the game's hub.

3) Spawn onto the island and dash toward the Speedrun gate

Enter the Speedrun gate. (Image via YouTube/Comrad3s)

When you first enter the Creative map, you'll be placed in front of an entrance to the abandoned town swarming with zombies.

At the beginning of your journey, you will be presented with two gates. The right one is designed to help you complete the game quickly by providing a speedrun approach. Sprint towards the gate and go through it to start your quest.

4) Use your Makeshift Revolver to shoot at zombies

Shoot at the Zombies to begin with the quest (Image via YouTube/Comrad3s)

Begin your Fortnite quest by arming yourself with the Marksman Revolver that you have been given. Take aim at the zombies and fire away, earning coins for each one you eliminate.

You can use these coins to purchase power-ups, weapons, and vehicles, which will help you advance in the game more quickly.

5) Head towards the school and join the battle

Join the school battle on the map. (Image via YouTube/Comrad3s)

Go to the school and get a School Key. Once you have it, you will be invited to join a school battle.

You'll also need your teammates to sign up before the battle starts. If they accept, you'll be dropped into an infested school full of zombies that must be defeated.

6) Defeat the waves of zombies inside the school

Defeat the waves of zombies inside the school. (Image via Comrad3s)

When you first appear in the school, go to a nearby room and position yourself right by the doorway. This will act as a barrier against any zombies that come your way. Fire away until you have killed 100 of them, which is what it takes to clear the area.

7) Upon completion, you will earn a crystal

Earn Crystals upon clearing an area. (Image via YouTube/Comrad3s)

Once you've cleared the area, you'll spawn outside the school with a random drop of items and weapons.

You can equip these to use in your fight against zombies as you make your way through 10 different areas like the Dam, Bank, Mansion, and School. For each one that you clear, you will receive one crystal. Once all 10 have been collected, your quest is complete.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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