Britneys Circus tour costumes very similar to Chers farewell tour looks

In Touch has comparison photos in this weeks issue that show just how close Britneys Circus tour costumes are to some of the flashy outfits Cher wore on stage during her 2004 farewell tour. The photos Ive found here are close, not as close as In Touchs photos are, but theyre a good approximation

In Touch has comparison photos in this week’s issue that show just how close Britney’s Circus tour costumes are to some of the flashy outfits Cher wore on stage during her 2004 ‘farewell’ tour. The photos I’ve found here are close, not as close as In Touch’s photos are, but they’re a good approximation

Britney performed in Germany in a top hat, black leotard and boots that looked remarkably similar to one of Madonna’s outfits on her Stick and Sweet tour. Given how similar her outfits are to Cher’s tour, including an Indian-inspired number and of course a big top look, her costume designers must be getting more than just some inspiration from other artists. It’s not a blatant rip off though and there are some differences in the outfits.

Britney is doing well and hanging in there on tour. This week’s Star reports that Britney and Kevin are rekindling their romance as he joins her on tour, but that’s not likely. She’s thought to be having a secret romance with her agent, Jason Trawick, with whom she’s been linked in the past.

