Best graphics settings for Nvidia RTX 4090 (2.0)

The Nvidia RTX 4090 is the best GPU for playing Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 and Phantom Liberty. It is the most powerful video card you can buy right now and is way faster than the last-gen Big Ferocious GPU (BFGPU), the RTX 3090, and the 3090 Ti. The added rasterization and ray tracing horsepower mean that

The Nvidia RTX 4090 is the best GPU for playing Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 and Phantom Liberty. It is the most powerful video card you can buy right now and is way faster than the last-gen Big Ferocious GPU (BFGPU), the RTX 3090, and the 3090 Ti. The added rasterization and ray tracing horsepower mean that every modern game plays at the highest settings without major performance tweaks.

With this GPU, you can enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 at the maximum eye candy without worrying about framerates at all when playing at 4K. However, the title can get very demanding with every setting cranked up.

Even the RTX 4090 might run the game at 30 FPS with all the settings applied at max, which is quite sub-optimal for a first-person shooter. Therefore, players need to fine-tune the settings.

In this article, we go over the best settings for the RTX 4090 in Cyberpunk 2077. With the new 2.0 update and the Phantom Liberty expansion, the game is now more demanding than ever before.

Best Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 graphics settings for Nvidia RTX 4090

The RTX 4090 supports DLSS 3 and frame generation, which Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 players can rely on to drastically improve framerates at 4K resolutions. Moreover, the game can be enjoyed with a mix of high and ultra settings applied on the Nvidia flagship GPU. We recommend turning DLSS on but not going above the Ultra preset for it. Psycho is a massive performance tanker.

The following settings work best for the RTX 4090 in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0:


  • Quick preset: Custom
  • Texture quality: High

Nvidia DLSS

  • DLSS frame generation: On
  • DLSS Super Resolution: Quality
  • Nvidia DLAA: Off

Resolution scaling

  • Dynamic resolution scaling: Off
  • AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.1: Off
  • AMD FSR 2.1 image sharpening: Off
  • Intel Xe Super Samping 1.1: Off


  • Field of view: 80
  • Film grain: On
  • Chromatic aberration: On
  • Depth of field: On
  • Lens flare: On
  • Motion blur: High


A mix of high and ultra settings is recommended for the 4090 (Image via CD Projekt Red)
  • Contact shadows: On
  • Improved facial lighting geometry: On
  • Anisotropy: 8
  • Local shadow mesh quality: High
  • Local shadow quality: High
  • Cascaded shadows range: High
  • Cascaded shadows resolution: High
  • Volumetric fog resolution: High
  • Volumetric cloud quality: Ultra
  • Max dynamic decals: Ultra
  • Screen space reflection quality: High
  • Subsurface scattering quality: High
  • Ambient occlusion: High
  • Color precision: High
  • Mirror quality: High
  • Level of Detail (LOD): High
  • Crowd density: High

Ray tracing

Ray tracing settings for the 4090 (Image via CD Projekt Red)
  • Ray tracing: On
  • Ray-traced reflections: Off
  • Ray-traced sun shadows: On
  • Ray-traced local shadows: On
  • Ray-traced lighting: Ultra
  • Path tracing (Technology preview): Off
  • Path tracing in photo mode (Technology preview): On


  • Monitor: As per your preference
  • VSync: bOff
  • Maximum FPS: Off
  • Windowed mode: Fullscreen
  • Resolution: 3840 x 2160
  • HDR mode: As per your preference
  • Nvidia Reflex Low Latency: On + Boost

The RTX 4090 is the king of graphics cards as of now. It is capable of delivering the best experiences in the most demanding video games without breaking a sweat.

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