10 Of Our Favourite Sue Sylvester Quotes!

If youve ever watched Glee, chances are that you either instantly loved or hated Sue Sylvester.Whether it be through one-liners or rants, you cant deny that she serves up nothing but the cold, hard truth-even if its a little harsh to hear. We loved watching her character for all six great seasons of Glee as

If you’ve ever watched Glee, chances are that you either instantly loved or hated Sue Sylvester. Whether it be through one-liners or rants, you can’t deny that she serves up nothing but the cold, hard truth-even if it’s a little harsh to hear. We loved watching her character for all six great seasons of Glee as much as the amazingly talented Jane Lynch loved playing the part. So without further ado, here are 10 of our favourite quotes from Sue Sylvester!

10. Labels.

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Was this right in the conversation? We’re not quite sure but generally speaking, we can’t really say this isn’t true either.

9. The Comfort Zone.

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Something tells us that Sue’s more used to an angry crowd than a stadium full of cheering fans…but the advice is still solid.

8. Empowerment.

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Empowerment can come from anywhere in any form. Maybe it’s Madonna. Maybe it’s your hairdresser.

7. Loving Yourself.

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A great moment in her character’s time on Glee we can all learn from. Loving yourself is easier when you’re not constantly trying to meet other peoples’ standards.

6. Freedom of Speech.

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Even Glee’s queen of mean knows her boundaries. Sometimes.

5. Hair Elves.

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Well, that’s a rather…pleasant-sounding insult about someone’s hair hygiene.

4. The Sue Sylvester Express.

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We’re not quite sure if we’re terrified or if we’d like a one-way ticket.

3.  Photo ID.

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Now that we think of it: Do Beyonce or Kim Kardashian still carry photo ID? Well, most likely. We know that Kim looked flawless on her passport, so why not?

2. Buying Mr.Schue a kitty.

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This is one of the most complex revenge ideas we’ve ever heard.

1. Her whole speech in the finale.

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Wait for it.

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Tears were falling-and so were the curtains on this bit of the finale before the New Directions’ last number together. Such an amazing way to close the series.

What’s your favourite quote from Sue? Let us know by tweeting us at @CelebMix!

